Sunday, February 12, 2012

Seriously Sometimes its just FTN!

thousands of budget cut firings and and now they toss this info around like we should all be so super happy! Spent months dealing with this PTS bullshit. Yes cause we really need another freakin JFK. 

Spending sailors paychecks

Diz's new job!

short video of PHIB CB2

So we finally where able to find some info about PHIB CB2, the new command we will be joining this summer.  I'm very excited for Diz.  He will be back on small boats doing what he does best! and he will be gaining tons of quals for the civi world for whenever he decides to step outside of the Navy!  With this new command he will be gaining sea pay while only gone for just a fraction of the time we were preparing for.  I'm so proud of him for making this decision and can only hope this command will renew his faith in the Navy.  The last few years have just been heartache after heartache and lots of kicks while he was down.  Now he is finally getting back on top!  BOATSWAINMATE!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A new Chapter.......

Yesterday life just started to look a little brighter, Diz received his orders to Virginia Beach!  Finally we will be back to the lower 48!!  Besides the awesomeness of being able to see family more often, there will be stuff for Rems to finally do!  The two of us won't be trapped in the house watching the rain fall day after day!  We can take walks in the sunshine, go to parks, play centers, all kinds of fun things.  They have different classes and groups for kids his age.  Also another highlight is our family will finally be back around the Navy.  We will have access to all that offers.  We will be back into a very close knit group full of support.  Diz will be back to barking orders and hauling ass on the water.  I will be surround around others who understand exactly what a pain in the ass it is to be a military family.  Rems will be around families and children that I can trust.  I'm sure not everything is going to smell like roses, but for a family like ours the Navy is were we need to be. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And Thats how Alaska women roll!!!!

The other day an elderly couple took their sled dogs out for a walk.  While the husband walked the dogs the wife stayed warm inside the truck.  Well she looked up and saw a moose charging at the dogs and her husband so she grabbed the shovel out of the back of their truck and beat the hell out of the moose until it backed off.  Sound only slightly cool, read this article for the kicker!!

The Kicker!!!!!
Play Group with the Crew

Us (Rems 8months)


Last week it finally happened!  Jordan was finally approved for PTS!  Talk about a huge weight off our chests.  For the last few months we have been hearing of great sailors all over getting tossed out. And here we are stuck in this hole being denied month after month.  Got to the point we assumed he was going to get the axe and we where discussing what our next step would be.  But the Navy gods smiled on him once more and he was finally approved on his last chance (thanks for that photo finish!).  So now he works on his paper work to reenlist for 6 more years.  That will put him on contract for over 14yrs meaning he will be grandfathered in when it comes to PTS.  But of course its the Navy so not everything is so neat and handed to you with a bow.  Because they waited until the last friggin minute to approve him, hes outside his window for orders.  They gave him one glance, he said anything but overseas.  If he doesn't get any he picked, next month the Navy will assign him to Needs of the Navy.  That means we won't have any say where we go next.  But realistically as long as it's in the 48 we don't care! We've basically been over seas for almost 6yrs, and we are sick of paying out the nose for everything from plane tickets to a gallon of milk! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A daily dose of beauty......

My sister is an AMAZING photographer and this year she has started a project to take a pic every single day.  I look foward to checking these out everyday, so beautiful!  So heres the site so you can get a little dose too....

Daily dose of beauty!!

School Blues

Well its that time again........School.  For the past 13yrs I've been going to school off and on slowly making my way towards nothing more than an associates (yes, I realize its taken me 11yrs longer than the average student).  What it comes down to is, I HATE SCHOOL.  Actually thats not correct.  Its more like I hate schoolS.  You see I enjoy learning.  What I hate is being told what to learn.  Now I'm stuck because I am using the G.I Bill which states that I have to take classes only related to a degree program.  I'm in the Business program, why?  Well it's not because thats what I want to do, more like when they entered my SMART transcripts I was 60% done with the degree, and really who wants to start over.  Why continue using the GI Bill you ask.  Ummm because they pay me to.  Thats it.  Thats the only reason why I even attempt accounting, or business law.  If it was up to me I would be in art history, digital photograpy, and underwater basket weaving. thank you, I'll take Renaissance Masters please.  Heck I'll take a History or Lit class (not English, I HATE English as much as I hate math!).  So this semester I'm only getting 50% of my "housing allowance" from the GI Bill, because I'm taking Intro to Digital Photography.  Why? Because as a stay at home mom I need a little "me time" away from the house, otherwise cabin fever will hit hard.  And I don't want to waste my "me time" doing something that will make me cry inside (like math).  So cross your fingers, wish me luck and send me smart vibes because my other two classes are Accounting 2 and Business Law.....Boo. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012


This year for Christmas, my Ma, Sis, Diz and I made eachothers gifts.  My Ma drew a BEAUTIFUL piece of art using this method called Zentangle.  I immeditatly became obsessed with it.  Its so simple and beautiful and even your mistakes can become masterpieces.  The drawing my Ma did is enroute via mail, so I will post a pic of it as soon as it gets off the slow boat to China.  But meanwhile heres a website to spark your interest and get you started on your own masterpieces.

Zentangle your way to Awesomeness!!

McKeels Christmas Tour 2011

I've been away for the last 3 weeks due to our whirlwind Christmas Tour.  Started in Idaho for the Navy Conference.  In between the dull days of being trapped in the hotel room due to a closed pool, Diz was capped to First Class!!  Also marked the first time that Rems stayed in a daycare type situation.  He did pretty well considering he was in a private battle with his very first tooth.  Next stop was Illinois with the Censotti Clan.  Here we not only got babied and spoiled by my family, we also celebrated Rems baptism.  He was amazing.  Shed not one tear and kept his white suit looking very posh.  Two hour drive later sees us in Wisconsin with the Beans.  Grandma Les taught Rems all the wonders of big people food! From steak and potatoes to mixed berry breakfast smoothies.  Rems also got to spend time with his new best friend, the very large, very loud, and very happy Grandpa Bean.  During this little visit Rems got his second tooth.  And the only thing that really did the trick of calming him was the deep rumbling voice of his grandpa.  On this visit we were able to go have a few drinks with an old friend of mine Lisa.  It was nice to get out and not have to worry, Rems was finally with family!  Back to the Censotti Clan.  And things started to blur into fast forward.  First Rems got to spend the whole night with his GG while we went out to celebrate my sister, J, birthday.  Dinner at Crossroads quickly turned into drinks at the drag show!  I swear Petey, J is the one that told them you where a gay navy firefighter!!  And then it was Christmas!!!  Rems got to meet the rest of the Beans at a wonderful dinner at my Aunt Janets.  I also got a fantastic hair cut by my cousin Erin.  After dinner we drove to the lions den....Brians house.  Christmas eve there is hard to explain.  Take a large Irish/Italian family, put them all into a small space and let it fly.  Pretty much its just a whole lot of talk, laugh, food, love and wrapping paper!!!  Afterwards we went back to GG's, Rems hit the hay and the adults couldn't wait and we ripped open all our gifts!  But that was nice, because the next morning we were able to focus 100% on Rems and his presents.  Next up......Texas!!  Oh how I missed you sunshine.  Rems loved Texas!  Not only was he able to go outside and touch grass for the first time, the McKeels have 3 cats and 2 dogs.....lots to watch!!  Gram was super happy to see her little prince, Grandpop got to show him off at work, Aunt Chopstick smothered him with love and he got to meet Uncle Joel for the first time.  Plus we were able to spend the day with two of our buddies from Guam, Pigg and Esme!!!  Esme spent the day whispering to Rems in Spanish, which made him LAUGH!!  And then it was the 5th and it was time to say goodbye to the sunshine and meet up with our old friend, Rain.  And so we are back!  Things are gonna take a bit to get back on track.  Rems has been going to sleep around 5pm and waking at 3am.  And we have a new member of the family, Bastet, a kitten.  Scouts not too sure about her yet, but I think it'll be okay.  So Hello! Hope you all had wonderful Holidays full of fun, family and love.