Sunday, February 12, 2012

Seriously Sometimes its just FTN!

thousands of budget cut firings and and now they toss this info around like we should all be so super happy! Spent months dealing with this PTS bullshit. Yes cause we really need another freakin JFK. 

Spending sailors paychecks

Diz's new job!

short video of PHIB CB2

So we finally where able to find some info about PHIB CB2, the new command we will be joining this summer.  I'm very excited for Diz.  He will be back on small boats doing what he does best! and he will be gaining tons of quals for the civi world for whenever he decides to step outside of the Navy!  With this new command he will be gaining sea pay while only gone for just a fraction of the time we were preparing for.  I'm so proud of him for making this decision and can only hope this command will renew his faith in the Navy.  The last few years have just been heartache after heartache and lots of kicks while he was down.  Now he is finally getting back on top!  BOATSWAINMATE!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A new Chapter.......

Yesterday life just started to look a little brighter, Diz received his orders to Virginia Beach!  Finally we will be back to the lower 48!!  Besides the awesomeness of being able to see family more often, there will be stuff for Rems to finally do!  The two of us won't be trapped in the house watching the rain fall day after day!  We can take walks in the sunshine, go to parks, play centers, all kinds of fun things.  They have different classes and groups for kids his age.  Also another highlight is our family will finally be back around the Navy.  We will have access to all that offers.  We will be back into a very close knit group full of support.  Diz will be back to barking orders and hauling ass on the water.  I will be surround around others who understand exactly what a pain in the ass it is to be a military family.  Rems will be around families and children that I can trust.  I'm sure not everything is going to smell like roses, but for a family like ours the Navy is were we need to be.