Wednesday, January 18, 2012

School Blues

Well its that time again........School.  For the past 13yrs I've been going to school off and on slowly making my way towards nothing more than an associates (yes, I realize its taken me 11yrs longer than the average student).  What it comes down to is, I HATE SCHOOL.  Actually thats not correct.  Its more like I hate schoolS.  You see I enjoy learning.  What I hate is being told what to learn.  Now I'm stuck because I am using the G.I Bill which states that I have to take classes only related to a degree program.  I'm in the Business program, why?  Well it's not because thats what I want to do, more like when they entered my SMART transcripts I was 60% done with the degree, and really who wants to start over.  Why continue using the GI Bill you ask.  Ummm because they pay me to.  Thats it.  Thats the only reason why I even attempt accounting, or business law.  If it was up to me I would be in art history, digital photograpy, and underwater basket weaving. thank you, I'll take Renaissance Masters please.  Heck I'll take a History or Lit class (not English, I HATE English as much as I hate math!).  So this semester I'm only getting 50% of my "housing allowance" from the GI Bill, because I'm taking Intro to Digital Photography.  Why? Because as a stay at home mom I need a little "me time" away from the house, otherwise cabin fever will hit hard.  And I don't want to waste my "me time" doing something that will make me cry inside (like math).  So cross your fingers, wish me luck and send me smart vibes because my other two classes are Accounting 2 and Business Law.....Boo.