Monday, November 21, 2011

Winter Driving

This morning Rems and I where doing our weekly drive down to Kindermusik class.  I must have forgotten to turn of the car cloaking device when we left the house, because the speedy driver of a blue SUV tried to occupy the same space on the road that we were currently occupants in.  No matter how hard I leaned on my horn, or how scarred Rems ears became due to my "colorful" vocab, this *beep* just kept moving over. So as I yanked my wheel, fought for control after meeting up with a nice little iceberg on the side of the road and covered all my bases with the powers that be, I couldn't help but wish that Alaskans actually knew how to drive in winter weather.  You would think they, of all people, would know how.  God knows they get enough practice! But every winter I see cars all over the roads, sliding on ice, stuck in snowy ditches.  So after I was able to take a few deep breaths and tame my inner Hulk I decided to post a link with  a few rules (common sense!!) about winter driving.  Thanks

Safety Tips for Driving in the Winter (A.K.A Common Sense)

1 comment:

  1. Winter driving can be a fun sport but only if the cell-phone yackers hang up and pay attention. Eating, phone-calling and driving all at the same time on snow and ice is a bad mixture. Crunching thru new snow in your vehicle is fun. Just ask Mrs. Boats sister. lol
